Living in abundance is truly living in a state of mind that you are indeed blessed souls that are living as the Universe has so designed you. Living in the way of abundance means that you truly divest yourself from certain though patterns that impeded your progress towards the very journey of life within abundance.

Worry and Doubt are two lower consciousness aspects of our beings that keep us from living a life of truth in abundance and must be dealt with or else we shall never truly embrace our abundant selves.

But while most understand the core of worry and doubt and how they can become so ingrained within us, it is the consciousness factor that seems to bind and hold them there. Worry and doubt are so ingrained that they are, in a way, seen as almost positive aspects of who we are.

Worry and doubt seem to be a way of life and it has been said of those who do not seem to display those traits, that they are almost super-human or have become enlightened.

Isn’t that the point?

We all seek, or should be seeking, that state of enlightenment that truly takes us away from that place within us where worry and doubt are a way of life. We should be seeking a higher consciousness.

3 Ways to Begin the Transformation Away From Worry and Doubt

The fact that so many seem to know that someone who possesses the freedom from worry and doubt are of a higher consciousness, seems to indicate that we are self-aware enough to understand the states of lower and upper consciousness to begin with and that worry and doubt do indeed inhabit that lower aspect of our nature.

Way 1: Understand the Nature of Worry and Doubt as it Relates to Consciousness

I have written post after post about the very nature of worry and how it can take you a very dark place in the soul, but i desire that you understand the nature of doubt and worry from a standpoint of a consciousnesses aspect.

In the book Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, there’s a hierarchy of levels of human consciousness that are simply designated by the emotions that are indicated as words alone. Each step is a higher level of consciousness beginning with the lower level of shame and then, guilt and continuing onward to apathy, grief, fear (worry), desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, and finally, enlightenment.

Courage is the tipping point, so to speak, as from there your levels of consciousness become of a more enlightened state.

Worry and doubt are woven within the words shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride and while they are often times encouraged, they do not advance us into a higher level of consciousness in any way. The more you know how they hold you back the better of a chance you have of advancing into a higher state of consciousness.

Way 2: Worry and Doubt Are Merely Indicators of a Larger Condition

Now that you understand the levels of consciousness and that worry and doubt are within the lower levels that keep you in a place that most choose not to be, it is time to understand the very nature of what worry and doubt point to.

You see, there is a component here called the ego that has its ever-increasing tentacles into all aspects of your life. Worry and doubt, collectively, or individually, are the egos way to keep you in a constant state of lower-level thinking. The ego knows that as long as you are there, you must depend on it to control your existence, for you see, the higher levels need not the ego or its influence.

The best way is to always ask the questions as to what worry and doubt are pointing to. There is a condition within that is at the heart of worry and doubt and if you break the conditions down to manageable pieces or thoughts, you can begin to eradicate the need for worry and doubt.

The key here is to be honest and don’t allow worry and doubt to be the end-all-to-beat-all emotions for if you get lost in the emotions alone, then the conditions get obscured.

Deal with the conditions and leave the worry and doubt aside. You can only do what you can do, so do it and move on.

Way 3: Just Decide Against Worry and Doubt

At this core, this sounds very pie-in-the-sky in that we have been conditioned to be creatures that must worry and doubt. We are to become these cynical creatures that just expect the worse and it usually happens.

However we are not designed this way. If you make a decision that worry and doubt really have no place in your existence, you then become like the story of the monk in the river.

A monk had lost his footing in a stream and was caught in the current. Instead of struggling, he simply allowed himself to be carried with no struggle. As he was coming to a peaceful place within the stream, two farmers happen to see him and, fearing he was dead, gently began to approach him.

They were startled as he popped from the water and he began to make his way to the bank smiling as he passed them. He turned to the two farmers as he climbed to the bank of the stream and said, “It is not about the way you travel, but in the struggle you release to get to your journeys end.”

Worry and doubt are those struggles that must be released to allow your journey to unfold into a higher level of consciousness. Decide not to allow them and the journey begins.

In life, there are choices we must make and to allow the ego to control you in the form of worry and doubt is to deny the Universal Stream within us all.

You are a better traveler than that.

Be a Person of Quality. Direct Your Power.

Until then…

Be Excellent, Expect the Best!

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dasouthern@directyourpower.comDA Southern is an Author, Speaker, Blogger and a Personal Development Life Coach, teaching the spirit of living in Now Moments with the principles he experienced during over 35 years as an actor and director in live theatre. DA coaches his clients to rid life of limiting beliefs that have kept them from achieving miracles in all areas of their life by embracing Mindfulness of the Present Moment with a renewed Vision for life. Contact DA Southern for Coaching or Speaking @