How is it that souls of love that we are all truly destined to become, have allowed this fear of living, fear of life to pervade our very existence? It is my belief that worry is the one place within us that seems to infect every aspect of our beings.

Let me come at it in a different way than most would.

Worry is that common emotion of the soul that has no place ever within us, yet we excuse it in ourselves and find it repugnant in every one else.

How often do we tell someone else not to worry, when that is our inclination to do so?

It is almost as if we are expected to worry about life in so many ways and if we don’t we are called “flighty” or “cold-hearted” or we are irresponsible in some way. Imagine that, the very act of NOT worrying and staying true to who you are makes you irresponsible in the eyes of some.

Can you imagine if you decided to travel the world and, because you set out on a journey of self discovery, you are labeled as irresponsible. Isn’t that the height of responsibility in and of itself? Isn’t the very act of discovering yourself mean you become a better person of love for the human condition.

If you find yourself living is such fear as to not make that journey, then merely look at the program, The Amazing Race, where teams travel around the world in a short amount of time. What most take from the race is the journey within that transforms them and their relationships with not only one another, but with humanity.

By seeing other cultures and participating in tasks that many times test their assumptions about themselves, the individuals find that their fear of truly living was baseless. That their worry about life, in general, was nothing more than the ego’s attempt to “protect” them.

Protect them from what? Not sure but the ego is constantly telling you and showing you, often based in nothing, what to worry about.

3 Ways to Understand How Worry Impacts your Journey

Worry is so baseless that it cripples us from truly living life. The sad fact is that society breeds that fear from childhood on. Oh, I’m not saying that we aren’t to be aware of our surroundings but we are not to live in a constant state of “what if” this or that happens.

Way 1: The “What-If’s” of Life

The ego can play out a scenario to its end based on a “what if” situation so compelling that you may actually believe it. Sometimes even so much as to manifest the very worry the ego has so cleverly ‘what if’ed” so the ego can say to you, “See, i told you so.” Then once the ego has you there, you actually feel guilt about not worrying.

Do you see the insidiousness of worry?

Way 2: Worry of Others via the Ego

There is another component of worry that really is at the core of worry to begin with. The ego masks it as “making sure you are good with yourself.” It is the “What others think of me and my decisions” thought pattern as a guide for living truth in your life that is your journey alone.

Yes, we impact others with our lives, that is the very nature of living, but if you come from a place of truth, from a place of love, then there seldom will a worry be a concern of how you impact others.

The very thought that your belief that others thoughts, that you assign to them, about you, are somehow a determinant for living your life is bizarre.

However, It happens all the time.

Way 3: The Present Moment is Always Sacrificed on the Altar of Worry

The Present Moment is never the friend of worry and the ego goes to great lengths to make sure that it is not involved in any way in the process. Understand that living in the moment means that you give away your thoughts to a greater power.

There is a release factor that must take place and trust me, when you truly start to live in this arena, the slings and arrows will fly at you from every corner as one who doesn’t “take life seriously”.

This is the insidiousness of worry and how it has become so prevalent within our modern-day society. We are almost expected to sacrifice the present moment to the altar of worry. This is a trap far too many fall into but you can decide not to take the journey.

In the end, life will meet you in the most uncommon of places when you release the worry-demon that tries to infect your living.

Your pursuit of excellence is to not allow it to happen.

Be a Person of Quality. Direct Your Power.

Until then…

Be Excellent, Expect the Best!

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dasouthern@directyourpower.comDA Southern is an Author, Speaker, Blogger and a Personal Development Life Coach, teaching the spirit of living in Now Moments with the principles he experienced during over 35 years as an actor and director in live theatre. DA coaches his clients to rid life of limiting beliefs that have kept them from achieving miracles in all areas of their life by embracing Mindfulness of the Present Moment with a renewed Vision for life. Contact DA Southern for Coaching or Speaking @