In a previous post i wrote of being M.A.D., Manifesting an Abundant Destiny.

Unfortunately, it did not seem to be understood as there is a wave of madness that seems to be sweeping across the globe.

People are so damn angry for all of the externals that seem to be plaguing them. Yesterday, there was even a Twitter hashtag for what makes people mad in general.

What is happening here?

Has the whole world descended into a cycle of madness? I am of the mindset to believe so.

You see, you cannot Manifest an Abundant Destiny if you are angry at life for all of the mistreatment it is seemingly giving you. My father once said to me that “Life does not owe you a living” but it seems that we are of the mindset that it indeed does.

We have raised a culture that seems to think that they are entitled to everything, whenever they damn well feel they want it. Every one desires instant fixes to this and that and instant riches, as was the recent infatuation with the mega lottery as of late.

Many seem to rail against the rich, but it damn well looks as if many desire to be there among them.

Do you know why that is? it is our Universal nature to be expansive and abundant creatures. While many equate that with money, it really goes to the heart of all abundance. it is a condition of the heart that manifest itself on the outside of our life journey.

There is Only One Way

I typically give 3 ways to look at a situation within that makes you think a different way, but i am inclined to break my pattern here as it really comes down to one way alone.

Way 1: The Only Way – Choose Differently and Cut it Out!

Just stop being so damn mad and angry about everything. Stop being railroaded by the media, by friends, by family, by social media, etc, that takes you into the depths of lower consciousness thinking.

You see, anger and being mad calibrates at such a lower level of existence on the consciousness scale that that it is actually a step back from a societal evolution standpoint.

If we continue to buy into the thinking that we are to always comment and add our opinion  to fuel the anger of those involved, then we are simply buying into the thinking that we have some importance.

It is the case of the ego running amuck in society

There is only one way to change it all. Everyone needs to step back, make a decision that they are to add value to the world and CHOOSE to live differently.

Be the agent of change that speaks not to a situation, but to the hearts of those who are within in it. We are all one and when you treat your brother or sister in the journey with a hatred in any way by choosing anger and being generally mad about everything, you are doing so essentially to yourself.

There is only one way.

Choose to be different. From there, all manifesting can then then occur. make a decision to not be so damn angry and mad about everything for the world can truly change one soul at a time.

Be the one that simply talks with a heart of love.

Live free of the emotions that are sought to steer you in a different direction than is your abundant nature. We are free to choose. Choose an Abundant Life through peace, love and joy. From there, all living truly begins.