When a Director sits down with his theatrical production staff and they set out to begin the process of producing the next show to be done (usually the plays are chosen in advance, a season at a time, but the process is the same), the very first thing they look at is the attitude of the theatre-going public that is their audience.

The question to ask essentially is “What is it that they will desire to see?”

As in anything, it is a focused intensity to really know what your audience will pay to see. You see, when doing a community theatre production, you must put in a season of shows that have name recognition and are intriguing enough to get the casual play-goer a desire to see what it is you are offering. Yes, in a season, you may have one show that tends to be more edgy because the rest of the season can support it. But the season must be geared towards a complete experience that caters to your audience.

From there, they look to the general “attitude” of each individual show itself. Is it a musical, a drama, a comedy? What are the characters like and what kinds of attitude are they looking to from those who audition?

As a Director, you always have a concept of the part, not of who should be playing the part so much, as every actor brings a different attitude to the role, but the general overall attitude of the role. I have cast people who were not as good of singers in a musical, for example, but brought a tremendous chemistry, an overall attitude, to the role. This could make all the difference in the way a play is perceived.

It is is same as you begin to look at an opportunity or challenge that you face. As stated previously, it is the questions you ask at the beginning that help you frame the task ahead, such as is life.

The key here is the attitude you bring to the questions, as well as the answers, and it is crucial that you approach opportunities and challenges with a superb attitude.

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

There is an old maxim that goes, “Your Attitude determines your Altitude” and it goes without saying that if you don’t bring a great attitude into the challenge/opportunity, then there is not much chance that you will succeed at the task.

Why? Because if you are not fully invested with an incredible passion for the answers your questions pose, then why bother in the first place?

I am speaking from experience here. I’ve learned the hard way that by not being honest with yourself and by not living in this Now Moment by asking great questions and having an attitude that accompanies the answers that you know the universe will give you, then there is an expectation that will never be fulfilled.

Inevitably, there will be failure, which leads to a myriad of domino-like attitudes about yourself that doom most Now Moment living.

3 Ways to Adopt A Dynamic Attitude

Way 1: Find the parts of the challenge/opportunity that create a passion in you.

Yes, even with challenges there are elements within the challenge that do indeed inspire you. It may be nothing more than the person that is involved with you, but whatever that dynamic is, find that part and seize it. That is the aspect of any challenge or opportunity that will give you a laser-like focus until the end

Way 2: After aligning your passion point, now frame it as a pursuit.

Let me explain. I have developed within myself a disdain for the word….work. I no longer look towards work but, instead, look to the word, Pursuit. Reason being is that within the word pursuit is the definition, “the act of striving” and one dictionary has attached to it, zeal. So no longer are you working at something. Instead, have a “zeal” for it.

Find that part that drives you and pursue it

Way 3: After zoning in on your zeal, “audition” the people and other aspects needed to get you to opening night with style.

Remember, it is all about the attitude and not always is the most obvious choice the right one for you. Look at the attitude of whoever you bring on and will they bring that same attitude to the part you give them. Consequently, will you be able to derive a sense of attitude from other elements of the challenge/opportunity. Is that attitude suitable to you?

Again, the most obvious choice is not always the one that brings you a great attitude. It is all about creating an attitude of gratitude for the zeal of the challenge/opportunity at hand.

Create a great attitude and the results will be manifest from the universal realm. It is a universal law.

Let me know your thoughts and share with your friends. The greater the conversation, the better we move forward in this Now Moment.

Be a Person of Quality. Direct Your Power.

Until then…

Be Excellent, Expect the Best!

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dasouthern@directyourpower.comDA Southern is an Author, Speaker, Blogger and a Personal Development Life Coach, teaching the spirit of living in Now Moments with the principles he experienced during over 35 years as an actor and director in live theatre. DA coaches his clients to rid life of limiting beliefs that have kept them from achieving miracles in all areas of their life by embracing Mindfulness of the Present Moment with a renewed Vision for life. Contact DA Southern for Coaching or Speaking @ dasouthern@directyourpower.com